Initially, the Escondido City Council passed a resolution indicating that they wanted the Palomar Pomerado Health (PPH) district to build its new hospital in Escondido, but not in the Escondido Research and Technology Center (ERTC). PPH has stated that the only viable location within the City of Escondido is in the ERTC. The City of Escondido later agreed to allow the new hospital to be located in the ERTC if PPH agreed to make certain street improvements and to enter into a development agreement for the existing downtown hospital site. PPH accepted Escondido's compromise offer, then started actions apparently designed to undermine the compromise with the City of the Escondido. Click below to go to my Escondido Web Log
A collection PPH documents related to the seismic retrofit and expansion of the hospital in Escondido is available at the link below.
Most of the documents are not available on the PPH web site or in local libraries and were obtained
through a process of public record requests, each request process taking several weeks.
PPH Document Library
PPH is a public hospital district and operates under California's open meeting requirements for a local government district. After March 2005, PPH quit posting the Agendas for it Board meetings on its website. Posting of the agendas resumed after the October 2005 board meeting.
Public access through the internet is now available to an "unofficial" collection of
Agendas, Minutes & Support Documents
for the PPH Board and Committees.
Also, the PPH Board of Directors has been using "Special Meetings" in a manner that makes it difficult for a member of the public, who is not part of a newspaper organization, to learn of and to attend the special board meetings. Special Meetings only require 24 hour notice to media organizations, but not to members of the public.
I believe that PPH should provide at least 3 days notice to the public for any meeting related to the use of Proposition BB funds. Also, PPH should maintain an email list for notifying persons wishing to be informed of meetings related to the facilities expansion and the use of Proposition BB funds.
I have interests in Electronics, Solar Energy, Beaches, Tennis and Fun. Click Here to go to my Robroy's Web Log
Click the link below for information from the Patent Office. US Patent Office
Send Mail to: Robroy
Escondido, California